Understanding Mediation, Arbitration, and Med-Arb in Alberta Family Law
With the high cost and long waits to get before a Justice, many lawyers and their clients are considering Alternative
With the high cost and long waits to get before a Justice, many lawyers and their clients are considering Alternative
When most people consider child support, they think of young, elementary-aged children. Parents are more readily prepared for the child
Separations can get messy, quickly. With so many emotions, it’s easy to misunderstand, misinterpret, or misrepresent agreements or settlements. Separation
I often have real estate clients ask me the following question: What is title insurance and why is it important when purchasing or selling a residential or commercial property?
I often have real estate clients ask me the following question: What is title insurance and why is it important when purchasing or selling a residential or commercial property?
Why do we lawyers call what we do a “practice”? I suppose it is because we are always striving to do well for our clients and that the law is not an exact science. All we can do is know the law and apply it to our client’s circumstances.
All the money that you take from the company for personal use is considered income for the purposes of determining child support. What is tricky is that when people think of their income, they think of the amount showing on their T1 income tax return. For people who own their own businesses, this is not always the case.
I’m beginning to think that my computer believes I’m getting divorced. Being a lawyer who practices a lot of family
A question I am often asked when meeting with client who is facing a custody or parenting dispute is “When
Recent cases in my practice have given rise to discussions on parental alienation. This is a challenging and complex issue,
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