Colin was born and raised in Lethbridge, Alberta, has earned a BA (Hons) from the University of Lethbridge, and went on to obtain a J.D. from the University of Western Ontario. Colin joined the firm in 2015 to complete his articles and was welcomed as an associate lawyer upon their completion.

Colin’s practice is primarily comprised of civil litigation, with a focus on corporate and estate disputes. Colin also carries on a practice in the areas of residential real estate, family law and debtor/creditor law.

Colin serves on the Board of the Lethbridge Housing Authority, which provides affordable housing in the community, and the Board of the Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden. In his personal time, Colin enjoys golf, science fiction novels, and playing needlessly convoluted board games.


What my clients say...

Time was of the essence & he found a way to work around my schedule as I live almost 2 hours away. Very courteous & made things easy to understand. I had never had to deal with anything like this before & he took care of all the details.

What my clients say...

Colin Hirano is a Master of Words, and a Sharp Dresser.


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Family & Divorce

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